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News Release

MTC Still Has One Opening for a Vacancy on its Policy Advisory Council

Updated February 10, 2015

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission is recruiting for a vacant position on its Policy Advisory Council, a citizen advisory committee created by the Commission in November 2009. The mission of the Council is to advise MTC on transportation policies in the San Francisco Bay Area, incorporating diverse perspectives relating to the environment, the economy and social equity.

The Policy Advisory Council advises MTC on a range of dynamic topics including regional planning efforts linking transportation, housing and land use plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; public transit service productivity improvements; cost-effectiveness measures for the region’s transportation system; and strategies to secure new revenues for transportation in the Bay Area, among other issues.

Recruitment Process

Recruitment will remain open until the position is filled. Once potential candidates have been identified, their application will be forwarded to the Contra Costa County MTC Commissioners who will recommend an individual at the next MTC Legislation Committee meeting. If in agreement, the Legislation Committee will forward the recommendation to the full MTC Commission for approval at its next meeting.

Applicants must be willing to serve the remainder of a four-year term, which began in September 2013 and will be completed in July 2017. Council meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month in the afternoon at MTC's offices in Oakland. All meetings are audio cast on the MTC web site and are open to the public.

To fill out the online application, please see the link in the yellow box at the top right side of this page.

For more information, contact the MTC Public Information Office at (415) 778-6757 or send an email to [email protected].

Membership Structure and Appointments

The membership of the Policy Advisory Council is structured around interests related to the economy, the environment and social equity.

A total of nine (9) economy and environment representatives are appointed, and are considered at-large seats. Appointment recommendations are made by the MTC Chair and Vice Chair. The make-up of the nine representatives must be as follows:

  • Four of the nine members represent economic interests and four bring an environmental perspective; the ninth member may be selected from either category.
  • In addition, five of the nine must be from each of the five most populous Bay Area counties – Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara.

A total of eighteen (18) equity representatives are appointed, are county based, and are recommended by the Commissioners in each county. The make-up of the 18 representatives must be as follows:

  • Nine members (one from each county) represent communities of color and issues affecting low-income communities or environmental justice. Of these, four members represent communities of color and four members represent environmental justice/low-income issues; the ninth member may be selected from either category.
  • Nine members (one from each county) represent issues related to transportation for seniors and persons with disabilities. Four members represent seniors and four members represent people with disabilities; the ninth member may be selected from either category.

Individuals representing economic, environmental or equity interests should have either a work, academic or extensive volunteer background in the subject, or be extremely familiar with related issues from life experience.

More Information

For more information, see the box above, at right, contact the MTC Public Information Office at (415) 778-6757 or send an email to [email protected].