Marin County (Calif.)

News and Stories

News Release

OAKLAND, CA — The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) invite Bay Area residents to comment on a proposal to add the Richmond-San Rafael...

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The November 4 election brought sweeping changes across the nation, including in the realm of transportation. In Washington, a new Obama administration and an increasingly Democratic-controlled...

News Release

OAKLAND, CA — The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)’s Operations Committee today paved the way for expansion of the popular Clipper program by the end of 2015 to the Livermore-Amador Valley...

News Release

OAKLAND, CA — The “Experience Electric – The Better Ride” campaign will offer free test drives of some of the newest electric cars on Saturday, Oct. 11, from 12 noon to 5 p.m. at Fair-Anselm Plaza in...

News Release

A series of public open houses for Bay Area residents to learn about an update to the region’s long-range transportation and housing roadmap known as Plan Bay Area 2040.

News Release

MTC and ABAG invite the public to open houses in San Francisco on Wednesday, May 13, and in San Rafael on Thursday, May 28, to learn about an update to the region's long-range transportation and...

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Bike to Work Day is right around the corner and this year marks the 20th anniversary of the regional event. On Thursday, May 8, opt for a healthy commute and join tens of thousands of your fellow Bay...

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Teenagers in Marin, Sonoma and Napa Counties love public transit. But don't take our word for it. Armed with Go-Pro cameras supplied by MTC, youths in these three areas took videos of their own...

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The California Department of Fish and Wildlife this month approved the North Bay Baylands Regional Conservation Investment Strategy produced by MTC, Caltrans, the San Francisco Estuary Partnership...