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News Release

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Association of Bay Area Governments have released a new online survey, available in English, Spanish and Chinese, for the public to weigh in on what...

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What should the San Francisco Bay Area of the future look like? MTC and ABAG want to hear from Bay Area residents as the two partner agencies develop a blueprint for how our region lives, works and...

The Horizon initiative promoted the exploration of innovative strategies and solutions for issue areas that have been outside of the scope of past Plan Bay Area long-range planning processes. To delve...

MTC has worked for decades to engage the Bay Area's young residents through a range of initiatives and programs — from inspiring the next generation of transportation planners through our High School...

Autonomous vehicles are set to be one of the greatest disrupters to transportation in our lifetime. What impact might they have on the Bay Area? The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and...

Government agencies have traditionally planned for the future based on historic and current events. But now the world is changing faster than ever, and policies need to adapt to uncertain political...

Recognizing that new technologies, natural or manmade disasters, economic booms and busts, political volatility or other external forces may fundamentally alter the Bay Area’s future and prompt shifts...